How To Make A Goat Soap Business


There are several types of soap, including bar soap, castile soap, liquid soap, and shampoo. Goat’s milk is quite different from cow’s milk. It contains more protein, almost twice as much vitamin A, and half as much lactose. It has a pH of 6-7.5 in its natural state and will remain stable for decades without refrigeration. Soap made with goat’s milk is gentle on the skin because it does not strip natural oils from the skin like some soaps can do. Goats produce more milk than most other mammals, making goat’s milk a great source for soap. Goat’s milk is also hypoallergenic and has less fat than cow’s milk. The main chemical components of goat’s milk are casein, globulin, and lactose, which are perfect for making soap. Goat’s milk soap works as well as other types of soap and can be used as a conditioner for your hair as well.

Tips for Making Goat’s Milk Soap Business

1. Know your market.

You need to know how your product would be used, what it would be used for, and where it will be sold. Do not try to make a product that nobody wants. The market has to be viable. You cannot reach the market if you do not know the area or people who use your product. The best part about making soap is that you can make a good quality product with little expense. If you do your homework, you can discover what needs are met in the market, which will help determine your niche in producing goat’s milk soaps.

2. Find a recipe.

You can make soap from scratch, but it is best to use a recipe that has been tested for quality results. There are many recipes available for making goat’s milk soap. Each recipe will dictate ingredient amounts and time of curing. If you do not follow the recipe precisely, your soap may be ruined or have poor-quality results.

3. Are you buying goat’s milk or making it?

There are several ways to buy goat’s milk. You can buy from a farm, from the dealer, or from a market. Goats will produce more milk in a specific area of the country during summer months and so on. The best place to buy goat’s milk is from a farm who has their own goats. They know the quality of their milk, and you can talk to them about the best way to process it. A dealer is an economic way to buy goat’s milk and will typically be less expensive than buying from a farm. Dealers have more control over their product because they have more resources than a farmer who has only one or two goats.

4. Find out about your market before you get started.

You need to know exactly what type of soap you are going to make before you get started on it. You can get a start on the business by going online to search for recipes, or talk to an expert who knows soap. You can also talk to someone who has used goat’s milk soap or your local farmer who raises goats. Read everything you can get your hands on about soap. Once you have determined what type of a product will be made, find people willing to try it out and go from there. If a product is not successful from the beginning, it may not be profitable in the long run.

5. Purchase your goats.

You will need to acquire a source for your goats. You can buy some from the local farmer or talk to someone who sells milk goats. There are different breeds of goat that are well suited for milk production and each has a different amount of milk produced per cow. Some breeds require more maintenance than others; if you do not have the resources, you may need to purchase milk goats rather than regular ones.

6. Research kits and supplies needed in the soap industry.

You will need equipment such as lye, tallow, and oils to make soap. Lye is a solution of sodium hydroxide that helps in the production of soap. Other materials include: gloves, pot, labels, storage containers and more. You can buy your own equipment or rent it if you do not have the money but make sure you have the right type of supplies to get started. The local farmer or someone who has done this before can help you with these supplies.

7. Know your competitors.

Learn why people want to buy your product over the competition. Make sure your product comes in a safe, high-quality container. Think of your product as a valuable commodity that is scarce and in demand. You need to have convincing reasons why someone should buy your soap instead of another brand.

8. Perform market analysis.

You need to know the current demand for your product from the market. You can perform a market analysis to obtain this information quickly and easily. The information you gather will reveal certain aspects about your market, such as demographic and marketplace trends, how much the people want to buy, what they want to buy, how much they are willing to pay for it, and so on. When you find out what people want it can help in getting them interested in your soap product.

How much can you to make goat’s milk soap?

You can make money in the goat’s milk soap business if you know how to market it. The best place to start is online. Look at things like craigslist, google and eBay for products that have a demand and a market for them. You can retail your goat’s milk soap or wholesale it. You can also try selling it at local events or hold an open house for your soap.

1. Sell your product on craigslist, eBay, or google; try to find people who need your product or service.

2. Put your product in the best and highest quality container you can find.

3. Put your product in a discrete location that is easily visible.

4. Or, try to sell to companies for special events or for their customers to buy for special occasions; this way you can have high volume and low cost of production.

5. Use a professional-looking website with your company logo and photographs of your soap and place it on related websites as well such as Etsy, eBay, craigslist, google, etc.


You can make as much as $50,000.00 a year selling goat’s milk soap. If you market your product correctly, it can be profitable. The goat’s milk soap business is best for people who want to work at home and who have time to make and sell their soaps. You will have to know what the market wants in order to make the right decisions.